On May 24th, BFBD issued a challenge to their fans - help the BFBD Facebook page reach 50 "Likes", and band member Godbout will release a new song on the official BFBD YouTube channel.
Well, BFBD asked, and the fans gladly answered! - we're happy to announce that the official BFBD Facebook page has reached 50 "Likes"!
As promised, a new song will be uploaded on the band's official YouTube channel. BFBD band member, Mr. Namakemono, has hinted that the new song to be released may be track #2, "Tongues", from the MKULTRASEX EP. The song will be uploaded shortly. Be sure to check out BFBD's Facebook page and YouTube channel for the song release!
Also, be sure to bookmark and visit this blog often for BFBD updates and information!
- BFBD Street Team